Idvorski laboratories accredited for EMC testing

Idvorski laboratories accredited for EMC testing

With the decision of the Accreditation Board of Serbia (ATS)  Idvorski laboratories, who’s co-owner is ICT Net, was awarded accreditation for testing the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of products. Obtained accreditation means that the results of tests performed in Idvorski laboratories are internationally recognized, since the ATS is signatory to a number of agreements on mutual recognition of accreditation, including an agreement with the European Union countries (EA MLA), as well as with the international organization for accredited laboratories (ILAC MRA).

Idvorski laboratories began operating in July 2013. The establishment of the laboratory is the result of the EMC Serbia financed from the EU funds and for the realization were engaged a leading international experts in the field of EMC.

Idvorski laboratories are now an organization with the highest number of accredited methods (standards) for EMC testing in the country and the region. Tests are carried out on modern equipment in accordance with the latest LST, harmonized and current European EN standards.

Since Idvorski laboratories provide a variety of EMC testing for products intended for the EU market but also in other countries. This news is especially significant for exporters and for the ICT Net cluster members, which have special advantages in the use of laboratory services.
Details on the types of products and tests can be found at the website of Idvorsky laboratories, as the document containing the scope of accreditation can be downloaded here.
